German metal band Deadlock (Lifeforce Records) has confirmed the amicable departure of vocalist and founding member Johannes Prem.
According to the band, "All booked shows for the rest of 2011 will be played... The new guy behind the microphone has been found already and will be announced soon. Deadlock will also start with the writing process for their next album soon, be prepared!"
Meanwhile, Prem has issued the following statement:
"After over 15 years of heavy music and being one of the founding members of Deadlock it is time to start a new chapter in my life.
"It was not an easy decision for me to split ways with my longtime friends but as life goes on everybody has to learn where to set his priorities. Having a great job and a perfect little family there is simply not enough time to give Deadlock the attention and time it deserves.
"So it is time to say a big thank you to all the people I met during that time and to all those friends that will always be part of my life. Deadlock to me always was so much more than just music, it was all about a strong message, a lifestyle and being on the road and party with friends, but times are changing and so I will search for new ways to give my thoughts and emotions a voice.
"It was a great time to be on the road with best friends, sharing so many funny moments we will laugh about for the rest of our lifes (Tobi and Gert know what I talk about), having a musical genius that gave my lyrics the base (thanx for that Sebastian), having a beautiful voice on my side, that became more and more to the Deadlock trademark (Thanx Sabine). And thanks to all the people that worked for or with us troughout those years.
"All the best to the new Deadlock team. I will never forget those years."
Post Comment
10/26/2011 12:40:04 PM
You could audition, but they already found the new guy.
10/26/2011 12:58:54 PM
lifeforce? that label is still around? who puppyfck is deadlock?
10/26/2011 2:49:30 PM
Twitter is really, really stupid.
10/26/2011 9:56:53 PM
Why dont you post about bands people actually have heard or care about, who the fck is deadlock and who the fck cares
10/27/2011 3:06:17 AM
After 15 years of never being heard deadlock singer moves on
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