Post CommentHopefully this one will be better than returners. Album sucked
I love this band. I just hope the producer doesn't make this suck as bad a ADTR.
You are all awful people and need to suck on the end of a 12 gauge.
I really hope this one comes out better than Returners. Don't get me wrong the music was great, but I did not enjoy the recordings one bit. Fury And The Fallen Ones was their most well produced album by far.
The Chode Inside....but srsly i dig this band, i hope that dude from A Gay to Dismember doesn't screw it up
9 Days-"Story of a Girl" > A Day to Remember, Burden of a Day, Today is the Day, Haste the Day, Third Day, Green Day, Days of Our Lives, Days Of Thunder
Andrew Wade's shit is real good. Stoked for this.
"Godfatherofsoul 9/25/2011 9:46:25 AM You are all awful people and need to suck on the end of a 12 gauge." gay
stoked for this with a 12 gauge in my mouth
way good band. fck all you pussies.
@lol Thanks for the kind word. I wish i was doing this record, i could do great things with them a 2nd time around.
cannot fckING WAIT <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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