Post Commentjeremy mckinnon isnt in tdwp, he's in adtr. or is it jeremy from tdwp?
Will they release the best song on the album as a preview so the rest of the album is a slight disappointment like last time?
1000cleverlines 8/13/2011 12:41:42 PM "jeremy mckinnon isnt in tdwp, he's in adtr. or is it jeremy from tdwp?" it clearly says A day to remember singer jeremy mckinnon... (tdwp) is the one of the bands he has produced... aka their new record noob
Liked most of the first album, didn't really dig the second album. Will still give this a chance.
Will listen and continue to seriously regret life choices.
@roselyn706 maybe you should've done some research before you decided to insult me. jeremy has never produced for the devil wears prada.
1000cleverlines - yes, he did. He did vocal production on their last album.
Will they be singing about how the bass player from ADTR beat up that one girl and threw beer bottles at her?
will listen but the singer seriously needs to get in shape so he can actually sing for a show without being out of breath after a few words
Great band. Love their lyrics. Too bad its being produced by the vocalist from a beat To Remember
first album was really good. second was even better. i cant wait for this. i hope its more of the same. no changes needed. fck the haters. TGI motherfckers!!
1000cleverlines evidently has no clue that when a producer is mentioned in a press release, they typically list the band(s) they've worked with. in this case: TDWP. Idiot.
I think McKinnon joining TDWP should be a separate news item. Lambgoat breaking news first!
McKinnon is gonna ruin a solid hardcore album with poppy choruses.
and just because 1000cleverlines is an idiot here is the fcking post proving i was right http://lambgoat.com/news/view.aspx?id=15938&sear ch=the+devil+wears+prada
Hooray for crowflier getting money, but fck this band.
@Slut You're fcking dumb if you think he joined TDWP. All he did was work with Mike on vocal production for Dead Throne.
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oh fck yea