Post Commentfck YOU VICTORY!!!!!! I want the Lp of this. When's someone going to press "Justice Replaced By Revenge"???????
so is this the record that frees them from their victory contract?
Will never top Justice Replaced By Revenge. Last album was lackluster at best. Stupid press release, how about just posting a track instead, Victory?
Masterminds? Nope. Awesome band though for sure. Hope this is better than the last.
last release with Victory. looking forward to it.
Best fcking news all year!!!!!! Kill yourself if you dont like Ringworm.
i still find it funny how these guys are signed to victory
it's called "standard five album contract"
Victory is the taste of a girl's snatch that no matter how much you scrub and gargle, that shit is posting up on your ass, you dun got yourself a keeper
so what? only like 7 more records in that victory contract?
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