Post CommentThank god they went to a real studio this time. Bought their album recently and was pissed to see that Bulb recorded it... errr... programmed it.
thought that Villains record sucked, the one bulb did has some decent songs on it at least, whether you like the production or not.
One of the best bands out right now. Siked for this.
Stray from the path? Should be stray from the path of heterosexuality.....
stoked. one of the better four-pieces around.
I don't think I've ever felt more pity for a band than I do for these guys. Their recorded stuff is cool, but I will never see them live because they are ALWAYS on the worst tours imaginable.
I hope this one is a proper full-length this time...AT LEAST 36 minutes of solid music (no filler, covers, intro tracks, etc)
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