Post CommentFirst! I've never heard of this band, but I just wanted a "first" post.
^^ ha fail. you didn't even get the first post. I'm so glad Andrew left FTFD. Dylan Richter is on self-destruct. TGI is fcking great. Good news.
i am a stupid butthole and i like the way my butt smells
Good news. Seeing them in a couple weeks
KC stockbridge? thats gotta be a fake name
what an idiot. ghost inside is straight ill
Well I'm bummed. And virus_dot_exe has herpes on his rear.
Weird, I was just fantasizing about this today!
saw them last weekend, and knew this already. andrew ripped it with them, better off with tgi than ftfd cause at least they can keep core members
god damnit we're seriously at the point where all these ex band dweebs could start a 50-piece chorus ensemble. christ.
seeing them tonight with Parkway, hopefully they are as good as the last time i saw them
KC Stockbridge moves out of mothers house to become an adult. More at 10..
NEver was into this band but they were cool foos. KC was coo.
the ghost inside is fcking dope you ignorant fcks
It's not like most kids will tell the difference, mosh warriors only see the floor and kids around em.
they shoulda gotten rid of that ugly ass ginger guitarist instead
stoked. he's going to be a great fit for that band.
KC was a great drummer for a great band. It's always unfortunate hearing about an orignal member leaving. I'm glad I got to hang out with him before he left!
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shit band no care inb4 first