Post Commentmotionless in white: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PgRmX96vTmA/TQS-v2WZnz I/AAAAAAAABzw/6gl2ZiB1W1U/s1600/large_motionless inwhite2.jpg
Hope they find some shows in between arizona and georgia. Why would anyone post this as news for a tour?
Mattie told me God told him this tour is going to suck.
*shits on shit tour featuring shit bands full of gayshit christloving shit people* *begs for snausages*
This will be good. For Today has badass live show.
I'll be at both of these dates, come study the bible with me.
Frrrt Today=frrrt. 18V's song motionless in white>band Motionless in Frrrrrt. ABRB=meh. For The Frrrrrt Dreams
bigsexy 2/13/2011 4:54:27 PM I wonder if ABRB will play older songs?! ABRB only has older songs dude
absolutly no purpose for that posting. webby you couldnt have waited another week *waggles fatherly finger at his tomfoolery*
This shit needs to come to knoxville tennessee
For Today blows. You can always tell what a shitty person one must be to enjoy this band. no care ever.
jesus jocks, goths, hispanics, and neck tats are stoked
what was the point of this post? There's not even a confirmed lineup?
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derp everywhere.