Post CommentThe ghost inside deserves a lot better than this. I guess they have to make fans somehow.
The Ghost Inside aaaaannnddddd.... Senses Fail???
Ummm.... The Ghost Inside and Senses Fail?.... Really?
That you all know/like the ghost inside makes me happy
love Ghost but wouldn't pay to just see them.....ill catch them on the Parkway tour
Seriously had no idea senses fail survived the shitty band holocaust
transit and the ghost inside and senses fail.....wow.....
Shit tour with the exception of The Ghost Inside.
ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahah ahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha hah ahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha hah ahaahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha
senses fail sucks but not as much as the ghost inside .
senses fail is better than any shitty Ohio band or deathcore band around right now. not saying they were EVER good, that's just how bad those bands are.
<-- is stoked for Justin Bieber and Slayer Tour.... makes about as much sense as TGI and Senses Fail together
Glad there are no Ohio dates. Lets keep trash like this out
Did you gays just discover screenames? sxe4lyfe? H8n4s8n? How fcking old are you nerds
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