Post CommentLambgoat of God will NOT win....but they should......and Korn????
and NO i won't click that fcking link
this isn't the first time LOG has been nominated. They were nominated last year for Redneck. They will never win though, every year it is the same old Judas Priest/Slayer award, the old folks wanna see the old bands win the metal category
some way somehow Disney will never let Lamb Of God win. I'm pulling for the Shitty Beatles.
Lamb of God doesn't stand a chance against Iron Maiden and Slayer, korn and megadteh can suck their own dcks for how awesome they think they are
Oh, so this is good metal. What in the world have I been listening to then? *throws away ipod
KORN???? WTF??? THEY SUCK NOW!!! How does Deftones get snubbed???? Korn over Deftones???? eat shit
Slayer > 53rd Annual Grammy Awards
Slayer is gonna win or Kerry king is going to drink their blood.
it's the same shit every year, even shit that didn't even come out this year, fck the grammys,
Korn's first 2 albums were the first and last good nu metal records ever made. BRrrrrababpa Bap! Bareeee Mapbap!! .... twist ..
Point in case of why the grammies are a hollow commercial driven piece of garbage, why wasnt slayer nominated in 84' or log circa 2003, when they actually deserved it?
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fckin lam a god bout fckin time