Post Commentits a shame this tour doesnt even touch the east coast, volumes and counterparts are phenomenal bands.
AGreed horNNEE 11/20/2010 5:15:05 PM its a shame this tour doesnt even touch the east coast, volumes and counterparts are phenomenal bands.
Who the absolute fck are any of these terrible pointless bands
@loyd how would you know what the bands even sound like I'd you don't even know who they are. volumes and counterparts are solid dudes.
Just saw Volumes in Iowa. fcking crazy. I wish this hit us...
probably the best tour to be announced on lambgoat in the past month
blankz is wrong, but I would probably go.
counterparts is just amazing fck all you haters! wihing this came to canada.
Volumes is amazing. Wish I could make it out to a show.
IT BLOWS with a few decent openers...5 people stoked every night! woohoo
blank 11/20/2010 11:26:20 PM probably the best tour to be announced on lambgoat in the past month
@davidisrestless is right, i forgot about the alesena/escape the fate tour !
I have it on good authority that it prevails is not doing well finacially. The were doing well on Rise, making about 25K per year, but ever since Rise dropped them, they've been about twenty grand in debt,
(cont.) not to mention I see the lead singer working every time I go to Red Mango (yogurt shop).
IT PREVAILS were just picked up by another record label, which will be announced in the next month or so. This tour has something for everyone.
i have it on good authority that sgd54 has no fcking clue what he is talking about haha
betrayal / conterparts = best dudes ever. Support this tour !
i'd shit in my mothers pssy and fck it before i ever put my big toe through the front door of one of these shows.
will be @ 1/12 to watch counterparts own, and then sucker punch ian fike while he's on stage singing about his bloody crease
I hope santa gets It Prevails a vanflip for christmas.
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It Prevails are the most boring band I've ever seen.