Post CommentI'm so stoked for this. The Browning is the shit. It's about time they got signed.
so stoked for these guys , theyre shit is tighter and darker
dude The Browning is DIRTY, so good! if you dont like it get the fck out cus this shit is raw! deathstomp anyone!?
Hey Godfatherofsoul...get the fck out of here go listen to some soul music or something
The browning is AMAZING. Great vocals and just a very unique sound.
I gave them a listen, 20 seconds later I heard to turn it off. What a terrible fcking band.
Have this cd in my car now. Congrats guys finally gettin the respect you deserve. Cant wait for KC show.
Seriously earache? Jesus christ. This is fcking god awful. I did not expect it to be this bad and generic. Their albums will soon be in hot topic and be in the top 200 shortly.
I love the browning and I think earache did a great job signing them.
complete and utter bollocks. absolute shit band. burn in hell.
2 Unlimited meets The Acacia Strain, just what the world needs.
also, notice how the majority of the people saying positive things about this outrid shit made accounts today. fck off label reps and band members, this utter fcking shit.
i dont have to hear this to know how terrible it is
Meshuggahman413 10/8/2010 4:32:15 PM Hey Godfatherofsoul...get the fck out of here go listen to some soul music or something lol. but seriously, the browneye?
I dig. but then again it could be the gay coming out of me.
The Browning: a sexual act of sticking ones penis into a male/female rectum.
@michel_foucault Well, wouldnt it make since that fans of the browning that dont have a Lambgoat account created one so they can post on this? Love this band.
They should change their name to The Black Death Funeral or something gay and generic so that they blend in with all the other gay generic band names... The Browning is unique. NUFF SAID
anyone over the age of 5 defending this bands should be sectioned immediately.
The band pushes boundaries and pushes buttons.>no they dont....
The Mass Browning of the morning after thanksgiving
i heard most of lambgoat users are pedophile rapists
Brown is the color of what their music smells (and sounds) like.
Shit jokes aside, i wish i was cool enough to put "ex-as blood runs black" after my name.
Well, there goes the neighborhood... Shit band that sounds more like everyone else, than anyone else. What the fck is earache thinking?
I can't even make a joke, this band fcking sucks.
"The Browning is the shit" <-- tee hee!
Tom Browning once through a perfect game for the Cincinnati Reds.. It was awesome!
So, is the new trend on Lambgoat to now like shitty bands in replace of trashing them? I must have missed the email titled "To All gays."
Awful..just effing terrible, this is biggest pile of shit I've ever heard. I foresee Earache going under if they keep making stupid fcking decisions like this.
I hope mcbee fcking dies. Stupid dumb fcking gay jerk.
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first post... who?