NewsMay 30, 2010 2:24 AM ET4,074 views

GridLink enters studio

Official press release: GridLink, (if not) everyone's favorite active grindcore outfit (then it should be), are currently planted firmly at Technical Ecstasy Studios in New Jersey to record their second full-length for Hydra Head Records. GridLink's debut certified their position at the top of a field most bands need years to climb, but then, let's not forget that their pedigree all but demanded that they take that position. Jon Chang fronted the much name checked Discordance Axis, guitarist Takafumi Matsubara honed his technique in Japan's Mortalized, (together Chang and Matsubara also make up half of Hayaino Daisuki) and drummer Bryan Fajardo was hand picked for his years behind the kit in Phobia and Kill The Client. And now, with album numero two, the band one-ups themselves by adding... get this... half of Human Remans to the batter. Ted Patterson (also of Burnt By The Sun) picks up the bass for this tour of duty, and guitarist Steve Procopio (also Discordance Axis' touring guitarist) rounds out the now five-piece GridLink in a way that we can only expect this new album to be every single bit of absolutely fucking awesome that we think its going to be. Never one to mince words, Chang kept the details close. What we can confirm, though, is this: the album is called "Orphan" and the band has "12 songs in the can."


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minus 5/29/2010 11:39:19 PM

fck yeah.

TheBearKing 5/30/2010 12:05:50 AM

Nice nice.

BONER_JAMZ 5/30/2010 12:32:22 AM


mitchfury 5/30/2010 12:33:26 AM

fck yes! Hope they come to socal someday

brohawk 5/30/2010 12:39:46 AM

this lineup in just getting silly...stoked

kniferevenge 5/30/2010 12:52:08 AM


ShaolinLambKiller 5/30/2010 12:55:40 AM

fcking total c-m

Resurrection_Incarnate 5/30/2010 1:03:23 AM

ShaolinLambKiller 5/30/2010 12:55:40 AM fcking total c-m

EwokFromEndor 5/30/2010 1:34:43 AM

lol at kniferevenge for outing himself as a total gay. Best news in so long

Godfatherofsoul 5/30/2010 2:33:15 AM

Can only be good news.

m00k 5/30/2010 2:50:11 AM


ipaintmycrimes 5/30/2010 5:04:12 AM


Godfatherofsoul 5/30/2010 5:19:23 AM

How is it pretentious? It's a bunch of good friends joining together to make a superb sounding racket.

Onmyownterms 5/30/2010 6:52:19 AM

that's good

ohiokillsyou 5/30/2010 10:51:30 AM

Is it possible for grind to be pretentious?

conduit 5/30/2010 1:17:43 PM

I can't see this being bad

more_crab_less_cake 5/30/2010 6:03:09 PM

shit band jocked by lg shitheads.

Godfatherofsoul 5/30/2010 6:10:36 PM

Waaaaaaaaaaay EdGY Motograter want you.

waped 5/30/2010 7:24:55 PM

best news on this site in eighty billion years. gridlink>every band right now

MarginError 5/30/2010 9:20:57 PM

LOL @ pretentious. Great news, but I'd like a full length from Hayaino Daisuke soon.

sgd54 5/30/2010 11:30:24 PM

Incredible band. The tops today in U.S.A Metal all combining to form a supergroup 10/10.

meanmuggin 5/31/2010 9:09:45 AM

This is fcking great news.

carveyboy_talk_to_em 5/31/2010 11:42:57 AM

best fcking news all year

xmusicislifex 5/31/2010 12:29:03 PM

more_crab_less_cake 5/30/2010 6:03:09 PM shit band jocked by lg shitheads < AGREED! Good musicians but thats about it

WakingTheCadaverSucks 5/31/2010 1:28:41 PM

they played the entire new album at the Maryland Deathfest this was sicker than AIDS.

mannequinrein 5/31/2010 10:40:27 PM

last album destroyed, new one...well you know.

life_sucks_die 6/1/2010 2:17:31 PM

yes, the MDF set fcking RULED

burzum 6/2/2010 12:51:28 AM

Oh fck yes. This will be good...

Tags: GridLink

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