Post CommentShaolinLambKiller 5/30/2010 12:55:40 AM fcking total c-m
lol at kniferevenge for outing himself as a total gay. Best news in so long
How is it pretentious? It's a bunch of good friends joining together to make a superb sounding racket.
Is it possible for grind to be pretentious?
Waaaaaaaaaaay EdGY Motograter want you.
best news on this site in eighty billion years. gridlink>every band right now
LOL @ pretentious. Great news, but I'd like a full length from Hayaino Daisuke soon.
Incredible band. The tops today in U.S.A Metal all combining to form a supergroup 10/10.
more_crab_less_cake 5/30/2010 6:03:09 PM shit band jocked by lg shitheads < AGREED! Good musicians but thats about it
they played the entire new album at the Maryland Deathfest this year...it was sicker than AIDS.
last album destroyed, new one...well you know.
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fck yeah.