Post Commentreally? it takes like 2 days to get a van. but for real. who are you?
traded important parts of the van for weed and didn't realize it until it...was...too...late........man.
Seriously, when the fck does anyone care about this shit?
dumbass kids deserve this shit for driving like gays.
sick band, shit news. The torch would love to support them. Where the fck is Big C' ?
transmission took a shit or disappointed with the turn outs?
how could they be disappointed with the turnouts when they only played a couple dates you fcking tool.
All these "low turnout" comments are just ridiculous. I saw this tour in Spokane and there were AT LEAST 20 people there, and the bar where they played was like, half full. So, you know, Burning the Masses missed that chance.
anyone who lets Cameron in their band is a fcking retard he sucks first of all and then he records on their shit and peaces out haha
Yah these dudes fcked up for kicking their previous vocalist out. Karma is a bitch!
Got room for one more if you still wanna go to aspen
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