Post CommentThe Ghost Inside and Grave Maker are legit
This is actually a pretty cool tour...minus Abacabb.
jesus bring this to florida, i'll drive all over the sunshine state for this
ive got itstinks' back on this one, fck this tour.
gravemaker is sooo badass! so its styg n ghostinside
as i've said dudes in the past, dudes in TGI are legit. And i love tyler from abacabb. will be at the Iowa City show. Party at my place after ow ow
aaron from tgi is the most giant ginger doucher in all existence
wow, im surprised so many people are pumped on this.. looks like shit to me
"Chodefat 4/21/2010 1:59:00 AM aaron from tgi is the most giant ginger doucher in all existence" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just saw Gravemaker 2 nights ago on the Donnybrook tour, legit band and legit dudes, TGI are awesome as well. Wish this was comin to PA.
stooooopid 4/20/2010 10:20:54 PM This is actually a pretty cool tour...minus Abacabb. ...And the rest of the bands on this tour. TGI are acceptable at best.
damn would go to this if it was remotely anywhere near me.
thank god this tour stays the fck away from chicago
Why is ABACABB on this tour? STYG and TGS are awesome dudes, pumped for TGS' new cd
bummer that there's no IL date but good tour minus the terrible ABACABB gays
"xburnfacex 4/21/2010 6:36:05 PM New TGI is pretty sick." New TGI sounds exactly like FTFD. Period
wish this was coming here. all these bands are righteous, with the exception of ABACABB
will be there 5/29 5/30 5/31 6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/11 6/12
but seriously everyone hates Aaron tall ass piece of shit rest of the dudes are sweet but aaron is such a turd burgular
"ilovetacos 4/21/2010 4:45:31 PM Why is ABACABB on this tour? STYG and TGS are awesome dudes, pumped for TGS' new cd" One time poster thinks inside begins with an 'S'.
can't believe abacrap is playing over grave maker.
Yea fck Aaron he's tall and shit. Shoulda played basketball and not picked up a guitar. He was more into Figure Four when he shoulda been into the Final Four. Jolly green giant ass hole.
the ghost inside and grave maker are great.
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