Post Commentthis post could use an appearance from boner jamz.
Vocalist was a little mexican gay and his vocals sucked. Good riddance.
who the fck are these pissheads!? *crippler crossfaces self*
They stripped me naked had me lift my ballsack up so they could check underneath it, and then had me bend over and spread my asscheeks apart so they could look inside my jerk.
Why don't they just stop being a band?
Bands fcking awesome. Drummer is outrageous.
BONER_JAMZ 12/17/2009 11:44:21 AM who the fck are these pissheads!? *crippler crossfaces self* That seems like it would be difficult. If you need a hand, I will crippler cross face you.
their drummer is definitely not "outrageous", fast and sloppy does not equal good
sucky news last album was badass best of luck dudes
lol chason is the complete opposite of a sloppy drummer. i did a 3 week tour with them and you should have seen the faces of everyone standing on the sides of the stage watching him
I'll do better than any vocalist you'll find. Let's make deathcore gays mosh.
band fcking rips, especially for how young they are.
he was the weakest part of the band anyway
this band burns mass amounts of marijuana 24/7
fck that singer - his live shit is honestly garbage - and hes not a convincing front man at all. Chason = sick drummer - spent time with all the other members on the road - and they are all talented - so keep hatin u non talented pussies!
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Nice dudes. Best of luck. KHANN FIRST KHANN