Post CommentI heard they're actually just using a helicopter sample instead of a kick drum this time.
Oh god no. I hope they take whoever's feedback that states they should end themselves
people definitely stopped caring a long time ago. this will sell next to nothing.
Shit fcking band with a fan base that moved on to something far more lame months ago.
Their new drummer Scotty Walker is good, he earned the World's Fastest Drummer title at the 2006 summer NAMM show in Austin, Texas last year
Scott is in Those Who Lie Beneath now. ABRB has their old guy back again.
they've just been waiting for protools x64 to be announced.
I read the comments here from times to times, and I have to ask. DO YOU GUYS ACTUALLY EVEN LIKE ANY BAND ? Every single news is just a douchebag war to be the first post that says I don't care. fcking pathetic.
I wonder how bummed they will be when only Kids_will_be_skeletons is watching on stickam
never understood the hype, shitty songs, even worse live, so sloppy. fcking die already. as i lay dying unearth killswitch already did it, and do it better.
@jfkkj Everyone who has something good to say is too scared of being harassed by the people who hate the band, so the only comments are generally by pretentious douche bags.
Anyone who says "van flip" "tour flip" or anything that has to do with flipping is a gay. Also anyone who says "No care ever" or anything along those lines is also a gay. That is all.
gays no longer care about this band
This just in: News only posters get serious.
Two epic cliches in their name... good job guys.
When they were at Summer Slaughter a couple of years back I remember not liking the vocals but their bassist was pretty tough.. he stole the show, which is not the norm with "omgmetal" bass, so I was impressed. Hope he's still involved..
lol at "pretentious douchebags" being the only people who hate this band. Try having good fcking taste.
DrowSwordsman 12/13/2009 11:35:17 PM @jfkkj so the only comments are generally by pretentious douche bags. I'd rather be a pretentious douche bag than be a gay, gay.
sweet, tracking drums at castle ultimate so zack can program all your drums for you again. who gives a fck about this band, they were over hyped to begin with and now no one gives a fck.
@jfkkj I read the comments here from times to times, and I have to ask. DO YOU GUYS ACTUALLY EVEN LIKE ANY BAND ? Every single news is just a douchebag war to be the first post that says I don't care. fcking pathetic. <-- Amen
I would rather listen to ABRB than dr acula or arsonist get all the girls i guess its better to have a shitty ATG metalcore band, than a shitty prog electro shitdeathcore band. I guess all im saying is that all scenester metal needs to die already.
I seen they had some girl playing guitar over seas?
too late, they shouldve put this out 2 years ago
for as many shit posts that are posted on lambgoat, these kids actually know their shit. there's tons of insight to the scene here. its not a fanclub. its a news forum. with that being said, fck ALL bands.
previous comment is interesting, but the "insight" one would learn from reading these posts is that there are NO decent metal or hardcore bands whatsoever in any scene
Holy shit...did it really take a generic deathcore band 4 years to write another unoriginal album?
yeah... you're right. if everyone lived by what was posted here, there would be no shows and no cd sales so any band.
linkinpark 12/14/2009 3:30:18 PM Holy shit...did it really take a generic deathcore band 4 years to write another unoriginal album? Coming from a kid who's username is "Linkinpark" Bahahaha
ha this bands eh aright but its all gerneic gimmicky bullshit but i enjoy a breakdown every now and then. genre sucks overall, rather listen to indie gay shit...at least that sounds good
@ mikevicksbeagels Oh man that's a good one!! This place is just one step up from 4chan in terms of fat asses talking shit on their computers.
this is suprising to me people still care about this band
They will record it after the holidays. And it will be pushed back to 2015.
excited to see what ironic hip hop reference makes dudes in flat bills with calf tats fast forward to show their friends "that breakdown" lolfest
Idk if he is doing vocals on the album, but a kid from kansas city johnny mcbee did their europe tour. Just sayin, kansas city rules, will mosh in my bastufft when this comes out in my abrb hot topic shirt. Srsly
generic band. Only time I ever met em they were arrogant dicks. We had the exact same van as them and they got all weird and put off by it. gay-o-trons
probably won't even be out by the end of next year...
didnt know they were still a band. curious to see this
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people stopped caring a long time ago