Post Commentaverage tour, would check the ghost inside though!
only good thing about this tour is the ghost insides american nightmare cover
fftd,tgi are both good. stoked on the new fftd. better get my mesh shorts and flat bill out so i fit in. :)
lol ive been to over half of the venues on this tour fml
evil_hero 12/2/2009 7:00:46 PM lol ive been to over half of the venues on this tour fml <---cool gay, nobody cares.
Who is The Ghost Inside are they the opposite of the Aborted Ghost Band?
Will be there for Los Angeles show for sure ...oh wait
Lots of dudes sucking each other off on this tour...I'm in.
no amount of american nightmare covers can make this shitfest any better
Thanks for coming MA. Hey TGI your new record sucks and sounds like shit!
I am honestly stoked. for FTFD & TGI but keep suffokate and your demise out of my augusta. Teenie bopper local scene girls are ecstatic for suffokate.
as hard as it for me to say this, for the fallen dreams are pretty good and the ghost inside and the demonstration are the only bands worth a shit on mediaskare..shit label otherwise
could give two fcks less about this, HOWEVER for the record as always TGI bass player is a legit dude. Stoked to hear what they have to offer here in the future
only will go for The Ghost Inside, Suffokate, and Your Demise. For The Fallen Dreams sucks now without their old singer
2/13 Indianapolis, IN @ Emerson Theatre Will be there for Your Demise and The Ghost Inside. Fight me.
suffokate is some gay shit now with their new singer
1/27, great idea. Because playing for a crowd of ten really supports your tour. Idiots.
cool tour, fcking have to have 10 characters.
the bassist from tgi added me on myspace the other day. theyre probably the only band i can even remotely stand on this tour.
So many ADTR shirts, guaged ears, iphone elitist jerks will be attending for FTFD. X 100000 scene points if you get yell "where were you?!" into the mic. gays
new ftfd vocalist, kind of a let down. stoked on suffokate and ghost inside though.
*noms taco *lols *looks down at her your demise T-shirt *Frowns fck!! I can't do anything right.
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