Post CommentThis will be filled with 13 year old girls and 18 year old dudes that look like 13 year old girls.
By: chicken_gang_bang on 10/1/2009 11:47:43 PM wanna watch me use my boner as a spring board to launch cheese it's?
THis is one of the most god awful tours ever. I can safely say this tour is one of the worst and stupid lineups ever. Having said that, Emmure should me on this
Yeah, Emmure should definitely "ME" on this... shithead.
From first to last still make music!?!?!?!?!?! wow just wow
Im not sure, but i think therefore iam is from my part of the country. if that's true. im sad.
my bad, i have a fcking iphone. So fck off Kevin Jordan!
I'm sad I wasted a view on this garbage ass news. Please, get all tour supplies stolen by black people in GA.
By : thehays 10/1/2009 11:34:41 PM "therefore i am deserves better" Death?
ha. you have an iphone and thus still a shithead.
Yeah brains I'm sure you came your pants when you found out that fcking from first to last is coming to play your little shit hick town. So fck off
Thank you for keeping this bullshit out of Ohio.
Facethrasher0 10/2/2009 7:34:50 PM I'm sad I wasted a view on this garbage ass news. Please, get all tour supplies stolen by black people in Detroit.
Why is this on Lambgoat? Merely for all of us to make fun of?
a bullet for pretty boy should be on this
Therefore I Am will be my only reason to go to this, there good guys, support them all the way
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shit up your own ass.