Post CommentGood band. Saw them play some of this stuff live a while back, it's pretty weird.
god-awful shit band. honestly one of the worst bands i've ever seen live.
Looking forward to this very much. Would also ptf.
saw this band live. was bored to tears. i was crying.
i could see where this band might be boring live... but this should be an interesting listen, as were the last two albums. will buy.
I would be more excited for this album if the press release weren't so self-consciously pretentious.
enjoyed the last 2 records a lot as well, no interest in seeing live, but will be looking forward to coyote and the other full length they are working on.
This will def. be great. Hopefully stepped up from Blue Lambency. That record was ehh, ok, but nothing COMPARED TO Dowsing Anemone.
ive seen them twice. once running their own sound in the lobby of a bowling alley in detroit (mind blowing performance), and once at a major bar/venue (where they sounded like shit basically)
100% guarantee that your musical taste is garbage if you are not excited about this.
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