Post CommentMy buddys in hand up! opening up the show 9/20. GO to it
uhh....def no town in CT called johnstown. otherwise i'd be at the venue to light it on fire when these asshats came through here. die
they are still a band? wow. Nobody is showing up to these dates
I think BLC is still a band with different lead vocalist. glad to see them back.
Now blc is on a shitty label with no promotion at all,good luck.
Apparently I'm not the only one who hasn't thought of BLC in at least 5 years.
Yeah, it's Johnstown, PA. Sorry about that information. My bad.
someone should cause the Johnstown to flood again when this goes through there, unless BLC is still fronted by that hot milf gym teacher bitch who's christian.
banged the singer from BLC. she was all pilled up so it wasn't that exciting.
most people at any of these shows.........8, and thats if they're lucky
wow a michigan band with no michigan dates. They obviously don't want anyone showing up at their shows.
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