Post Commentnow there is no shitty "first post" comment
band has sucked for 4 years now and will continue to suck with new drummer.
Agreeing with TWOBIGNUTS is always a mistake.
ETID is still rad, if you're really stuck on there old shit somethings wrong, it was good but the newer shit is so good, will be there oct 1.
newer shit is amazing, gutter and big dirty both shit on hot damn
anybody that prefers their new shit to Hot Damn! shouldn't be allowed to post here, let alone live/breathe
I'll give the new album a listen, wasn't too into the past two cd's.
I like all their stuff, but anyone who thinks BD or GP are better than LNIT or HD! needs to get fcking killed.
Scott Thomas would have been a better choice.
guys. i love hot damn, dont get me wrong it's amazing, but i like the groove on GP more
These guys really went downhill after Hot Damn with all of the annoying "southern" overtones. The first track they posted from the new one sounded somewhat promising but the second one killed all hope.
love these guys, hot damns the best thing they ever made the new shit on cd is eh but live it destroys bad. last night in towns awesome too
He is a rad drummer, saw him a bunch of times with D&D.
TBPBW, LNIT, HD were ETID's best albums. GP and TBD were big mehhhs in my opinion.
their new shit is less hardcore more southern rock
all the posts praising the new drummer are fake. the band does this to make themselves look good.
No new members will make this band sound less shitty.
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will miss ratboy