NewsJune 3, 2009 10:05 PM ET30,176 views

A Day To Remember guitarist leaves band

A Day To Remember has announced the amicable departure of guitar player Tom Denney. Recent fill-in Kevin Skaff has been tapped as Denney's permanent replacement. Here's a statement from the band: "To some of you this may come as a complete shock, and to others it will be nothing more than old news. However, we felt that what we're about to tell you shouldn't be left unsaid. Anyone who came out to see A Day To Remember on our last European tour, or the majority of our tour with The Devil Wears Prada probably noticed that something was different. Tom wasn't with us on our tour in Europe due to a broken wrist, and then was unable to complete the The Devil Wears Prada tour because it hadn't completely healed. Our Friend Kevin Skaff filled in on both tours for us while Tom was healing up at home. Here's the real juice...before Tom's injuries forced him to leave the Prada tour, it was known that Tom was looking to settle down, focus on his recording studio, get married, and prepare to start a family sometime soon. When it was decided that Tom was leaving the tour due to his injuries, we also discussed his passion to continue being in the band. He told us he no longer had the drive to tour anymore. We all knew that he was genuinely over it, and we all collectively decided that it was best for him to just not be with us anymore. We flew Kevin back out a day later to fill in for the remainder of the tour. "At the end of the tour we all discussed what we were going to do about a new guitarist, and decided that Kevin was the man. He's an amazing guitarist, an incredible singer, and fits perfectly into what we're trying to do. His personality meshes so well with the rest of the band. We've become best friends with him in the short time he's been with us, and everyone that's seen him with us knows that our set doesn't suffer due to the change. I know it's going to be hard for everyone to believe that Tom just left the band and that all of us were supportive about it... Hell, I don't believe other bands that say the same exact thing. This was genuinely a mutual move for Tom and A Day To Remember. There is no point in rumors starting due to this formal announcement, because there is no truth to anything other than Tom was done touring and we were ok with that. "There are no bad feelings. Actually, we all just went to Tom's wedding last week. It was awesome, and we could all tell how excited he is. We're stoked for him, and he's stoked for us. The band is tighter then we've ever been. Tom is still going to be a big part in the writing process, and will remain so as long as we are a band. The music and sound won't change, just the person playing it. We all hope that as fans of the band you can respect Tom and the rest of our decision. I spent almost 6 years in a band with Tom, so I assure you that seeing him go wasn't easy or the way I envisioned things from the start. We just hope that you all will be able to accept this change and move forward with A Day To Remember. Tom wanted to make sure this was added: 'I am still very close with everyone in the band. I am so excited for what the guys are going to do with Kevin. He is a great musician and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I'm excited on what material we all can create when it comes time to write a new record.'"


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hours_of_despair 6/3/2009 7:09:11 PM

gayry at its finest

outforaction 6/3/2009 7:13:51 PM

first first

Godfatherofsoul 6/3/2009 7:17:01 PM

Holy pretentious TLNR statement.

xbumpx 6/3/2009 7:17:11 PM

dididididididi didi didi di di di didi didi didnt care

Wheres_the_beef 6/3/2009 7:21:03 PM

Way to long of an explanation for such an unimportant thing.

metal_bob 6/3/2009 7:25:20 PM

< Tom Denney the artist

bloodbath 6/3/2009 7:40:08 PM

who leaves what band? get fcking dead.

patriarch 6/3/2009 7:49:44 PM

Anyone read that horse shit? Neither did I.

RogerKlotz 6/3/2009 8:10:10 PM

their new cd's good. don't care what anyone thinks

ricky 6/3/2009 8:17:40 PM

I think there's sometime of inverse formula going on - the less your band matters the longer these statements have to be FIRE

onepartloss 6/3/2009 8:36:42 PM

Tom Denney the artist definitely wins. Is this the guy with the shitty hand tattoos or the Blink-182 knuckle tattoos? Idiots.

xflipgoatx 6/3/2009 8:53:31 PM

bottom line: i dont care.

cvk74 6/3/2009 9:27:10 PM

How is this News?

Cannibal_Hannibal 6/3/2009 10:12:06 PM

Dude hated making money i guess...

puntis 6/3/2009 10:29:58 PM

In other news: Theres a band called "A Day to Remember"

bloodasink 6/3/2009 10:44:43 PM

It was probably their sondguy's fault.

EdgexAndxProud 6/3/2009 10:52:01 PM

I doubt ADTR is reading this stuff saying "Oh shit. xhrd_cor_kidx4Life182 on Lambgoat doesn't care. We need to stop this band, guys"

uknwitgkm 6/3/2009 11:36:10 PM

change there name to A Band Not to Remember gay band gay band

uknwitgkm 6/3/2009 11:38:39 PM

they called out some kids in tulsa OK to fight them and when they confronted the kids they just had security kick the kid out and all his friends there so hard

uknwitgkm 6/3/2009 11:40:31 PM

if i were them i would of just hooked up and got after it i enjoy throwing the first punch

xbudlightx 6/4/2009 12:30:18 AM

a gay to remember

IAMserious 6/4/2009 12:33:26 AM

a c-ck to remember

GETDEAD 6/4/2009 1:16:19 AM

a big, greasy, vein throbbing penis to remember.

uknwitgkm 6/4/2009 1:26:21 AM

if they became a deathcore band they would be called a c*nt to dismember

VoreFetish 6/4/2009 1:29:43 AM

Shit band, No fcking care.

zukkahmahdeek00 6/4/2009 1:40:03 AM

"everyone that's seen him with us knows that our set doesn't suffer due to the change." Uh, no shit. CHUG CHUG wenenenenene CHUG CHUG.

thehays 6/4/2009 1:49:58 AM

irrelevant people living meaningless lives hate on an awesome, worthwhile, impactful band who is literally "taking over the world". just another day on lambgoat

myke 6/4/2009 2:12:10 AM

Did I read that novel wrong? Why would he play a big part in the writing process when he is no longer in the band... Seems weird to me?

hotaction 6/4/2009 3:12:29 AM

"thehays 6/4/2009 1:49:58 AM irrelevant people living meaningless lives hate on an awesome, worthwhile, impactful band who is literally "taking over the world". just another day on lambgoat" i believe your crease is leaking

grizzlycupcake 6/4/2009 4:24:08 AM

another shitty "genre blending" band capitalizing on CHUG CHUG losing shitty member oh, darn!

blackdahliabilly 6/4/2009 6:26:16 AM

uknwitgkm 6/4/2009 1:26:21 AM if they became a deathcore band they would be called a c*nt to dismember

cubs7379 6/4/2009 8:18:53 AM


arty_Mcfarty 6/4/2009 9:14:20 AM

can someone please explain why this on the news page?

RUSerious 6/4/2009 11:20:53 AM

irrelevant people playing in a meaningless band get hated on, on a awesome, worthwhile, impactful website that is literally "taking over the world". just another day on lambgoat. Here dude i fix'd that for you.

rick____tocchet 6/4/2009 12:09:10 PM


yougotscanned 6/4/2009 12:57:51 PM

What about the important part of the news - the fact that Kevin left his band Four Letter Lie for This Day To Remember - I mean Four Letter Lie are pretty bad ass dudes. That's like leaving Tim and Eric Awesome Show to be on The Hills.

fuckallofyou10 6/4/2009 1:03:14 PM

This is the worst comment board on the internet probably. I hope most of you on here have to watch your family get hit by a bus. If you dont have anything interesting to say or didnt bother reading it, click back on your browser. stupid fcks

Tylermetal666 6/4/2009 3:03:29 PM

This Band needs to end they suck

YouFail 6/4/2009 4:21:17 PM

Don't know the dudes, but Jesus Christ their music sucks

cdsnuts 6/4/2009 4:47:16 PM

He's a wigger.

ThaJuices27 6/4/2009 7:48:21 PM

Man they need to start a real band. Like this: They need to tour with AFI to learn what real hardcore is.

xdanax 6/4/2009 9:36:43 PM

for whatever reason this gay band full of gays is a huge guilty pleasure of mine.

freakboy666 6/4/2009 11:57:49 PM

terrible band.....who cares!

embraceofdarkness 6/5/2009 7:58:07 AM

The songs suck, but damn, they are pretty good live.

Jibbles 6/5/2009 8:07:24 AM

this is what every excuse is for a person leaving a band they stay in it long enough until they find that one piece of pssy to settle down lame

I_am_jean 6/5/2009 2:03:42 PM

I guess some middle schooler cares. Maybe.

meanmuggin 6/6/2009 11:52:42 AM

I really hope something terrible happens to this band. They don't deserve to exist. Anyone that likes this is a fcking idiot.

scaggs 6/6/2009 4:57:59 PM

Oh no, not the adderall popping wifebeater wearing one!

profoundhatred09 6/7/2009 5:53:23 PM

a van flip to remember.

bensa10 1/20/2010 12:34:10 PM

Well I say fck you to every single hater on here, if you don't like a band, well gee, you could just not listen to it! If you dont like what they do, don't act like you are better than every one else! Im sick of all the haters! fck you

merkedez 3/1/2010 10:53:21 AM

okay if you don't like the band don't listen to them and don't talk shit about them. you sound like some stupid little middle school/freshman kid talking shit about a person. how would you feel if you were in a band and someone talked shit about you,

merkedez 3/1/2010 10:55:19 AM

i don't think you would really appreciate it so really i think you should simply shut the fck up and stop with the shit talking and hating on this band what any other band you just make yourself seem like a

merkedez 3/1/2010 10:55:38 AM

little pathetic fck who needs to grow up anc shut the fck up simple as that so shut the fck up. p.s. yes i do like this band a lot

merkedez 3/1/2010 1:30:32 PM

oh yeah, hey fcking haters listen to this song, you already know who you are, pretty much says fck you to people who talk shit about them, they are betetr than you will ever be(:(no i'm not a 14 years old scene kid, i'm 18)

anonymous 1/19/2012 10:04:13 AM

i agree with the resent comment..I am almost positive every person who negatively comment on this has never been in a band let alone can play a fcking instrument.. A day to remember is and always will be a good band. i respect these guys more then any band i have ever heard in my life. So all you haters can shove my drum sticks up there gay asses..

anonymous 2/27/2012 3:06:55 PM

anyone who hates on adtr can go fck themselves with a two foot dildo, bottom line

anonymous 4/14/2012 11:36:30 PM

if you don't like A Day to Remember you probably just don't understand -__-

anonymous 3/9/2013 1:18:52 PM

some of you guys need to chill out. You all sound like you have interesting lives taking time to hate. What ever floats your boat I guess :)

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