Post CommentFirst. Lotta shit bands goin' on here.
the freaking hell is this tour? wow.. feel bad for ABR
so August Burns Red tours with...who? gay band #1-#5
so august burns red, who isnt horrible, tours with shitty bands.
alotofbands thatrunwordstogether intheirnames aretouringthroughYOURcity!
August Burns Red and All Shall Perish are the only bands worth half a crap
what the fck are any of you talking about. all of these bands are awful including ABR.
iwresltedabear... i saw your video. why the singing part? the song was awesome til you fcked up with the clean vocals. that girls voice is too annoying. and it didnt help the song at all. at all.
Shit dudes in shit bands shitting around on a shit tour.
lancaster PA is going to shut down for two days because of the gayness IWABO will scatter around
Enter Shikari is awful. just fcking awful. they're like....oh fck it, i cant even think of anything to say about these nerds.
i would still go see august burns red and blessthefall but the rest i could care less about
Double Bass Gallops, Flip Flops, China Splashes FTW
Blessthefall is literally the most unoriginal band i have ever heard and they look like they were bio-genetically engineered by 13 year olds at a Hot-Topic...anyone who seriously thinks this band is talented must have downsyndrome
i love august burns red, but they have yet to have a supporting band on either of their two headlining tours that wasn't a fcking joke. stop touring with these worthless gimmick bands.
put a dick in my butt because im going gay
7/18 for Enter Shikiri. I can still dig ABR, put on a good show, the fck rest.
iwrestledabearonce is incredible. all you gays should stop whittling dick with your teeth
i bet the singer of i wrestled a bear once has a bush, just sayin
jammaface 5/16/2009 10:26:29 AM iwrestledabearonce is incredible. all you gays should stop whittling dick with your teeth <---- are you retarded or just asking to get beatd?
this tour will consist of ABRs China all over the place and ASP shreding besdies that no care ever
Iwrestledabearonce? Thats like callin your band Deez Nuts. uh-huh.
ABR fcking rules! As does ASP!!! As for the rest of the lineup... frrrt!
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