Post Commentthey should come a little closer than syracuse.
wow these guys are still around? go go gadget diy.
only cd they ever did that was good was bury the effigy
Stoked to play with them again. Can't wait to hear the new shit
fcking love these guys! New stuff will probably beat babies. Into it.
how is it that all of you fcking idiots that praise this band don't realize that they were better when they were called COALESCE? Seriously, how do you not get that?
Probably because coalesce is old news. They are playing a reunion show (again) in kansas city at american waste fest and I couldn't give a fck less. But thsm is fcking solid. Hella tight, hella nice, hella hella.
Oh, even more evidence that news-only posters are mouth breathing idiots.
I didn't know that The Handshake Murders had so much hype on them. Pretty cool
there are so many more dates with KEH and WWG, dont know why they arent posted.
coalesce is old news? So lets go ahead and listen to a band that sounds JUST like them down to the fcking vocals. They are rip off artists, idea thiefs! Someone could feed you a bag of shit and call it corn flakes and you'd be just fine with it.
Who the fck is this band? fck them.
If As I Lady Dying breaks up tomorrow, there's going to be a new band that sounds exactly like they did, that will be equally as big. Out with the old, in with the new. But I'm sure we all look pretty small from up there, huh dude?
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