NewsMarch 3, 2009 1:24 PM ET10,843 views

As Blood Runs Black drummer still in band

Line-up instability continues to plague As Blood Runs Black, as drummer Lech (Hector de Santiago), who recently rejoined the group, is apparently out again. Lech reportedly quit the band on Saturday in Florida, forcing the As Blood Runs Black to temporarily (if not permanently) drop off their current U.S. tour with Bleeding Through et al. Update: Ok, we've heard from the band and contrary to what Bleeding Through posted here, Lech has not quit the group. Lech had the following to say: "I did not quit the band. Personal emergency caused me to step off the tour temporarily." Our apologies!


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shredtacular 3/3/2009 10:25:24 AM

fck this stupid band

ItAteEverybody 3/3/2009 10:29:12 AM


ass_hamsters 3/3/2009 10:30:43 AM

man that sucks. as much as everyone hates on this band, i dont like them either, but they are really good dudes.

castro_nyhc 3/3/2009 10:41:35 AM

i saw these guys like 3 random times and they got worse and worse everytime. i think terror opened up for them, what is this world coming to?

loki 3/3/2009 10:42:18 AM

shit! this fcks my whole day up

inhuman 3/3/2009 10:49:40 AM

I didn't know this fcking band still existed.

meanmuggin 3/3/2009 10:58:35 AM


Fur_Beach 3/3/2009 11:08:59 AM

As Poop Runs Black

withoutashield 3/3/2009 11:15:32 AM

INS finally located him... LA MIGRA!!

tendersurrender 3/3/2009 11:20:03 AM

Dang, did he rejoin purposely so he could quit?

tygerstyle 3/3/2009 11:22:10 AM

Figures this would happen in my state. Oh well sucks for them. Maybe they'll split and do something better.

kniferevenge 3/3/2009 11:34:07 AM

Shit this sucks.They played here saturday to.

BigDaddyD 3/3/2009 11:43:01 AM

This band is plagued with FAIL. It's time to hang up the ear plugs.

DIEIHATEYOU 3/3/2009 11:46:27 AM

HAHA poop runs black...thats funny!

liferuinerjailbait 3/3/2009 11:48:59 AM

would make a sweet joke, but all I have to really say is "As Blood Runs Black"

tits_or_gtfo 3/3/2009 11:49:35 AM

They should all quit.

threexs 3/3/2009 12:04:15 PM

band is a bunch of scum fcks that should break up and quit life.

Dalton 3/3/2009 12:19:27 PM

Karma for these douche bags throwing a Wu-Tang lyric in their shit songs.

porpoise 3/3/2009 12:42:22 PM

this band dcked over a buddy of mine that was drumming for them inbetween the rest of the band sucking of lech

dotson 3/3/2009 12:44:54 PM

clot twist.

khann 3/3/2009 12:47:50 PM

...the world keeps spinning. how unfortunate.

xgambloatx 3/3/2009 1:03:44 PM

This just in: Band member in band.

666maggot 3/3/2009 1:23:19 PM

havent they been touring the same shit cd for like 3 fcking years

chrisdrumsx 3/3/2009 1:25:33 PM

rumors make news. got any other rumors that can actually tickle my ball hairs?

meanmuggin 3/3/2009 1:29:42 PM

I retract my previous statement.

chease_burger 3/3/2009 1:41:08 PM

porpoise 3/3/2009 12:42:22 PM this band dcked over a buddy of mine that was drumming for them inbetween the rest of the band sucking of lech - LOfckingL - your buddy might be the coolest person on earth he got to fill in for this shit band

tim_curry 3/3/2009 2:33:44 PM

this really deserves a no care ever.

xenosapien 3/3/2009 3:01:46 PM

forcing the As Blood Runs Black to temporarily forcing the As Blood Runs Black to temporarily forcing the As Blood Runs Black to temporarily forcing the As Blood Runs Black to temporarily forcing the As Blood Runs Black to temporarily

alangreenspan 3/3/2009 4:30:59 PM

Webby: Stewart Copeland still in Police. Just a heads up.

HBDad 3/3/2009 5:12:12 PM

Word to As The Blood Runs Black: PUT OUT A NEW ALBUM NOW!!!!

aStickyLoad 3/3/2009 6:15:04 PM

I saw them with Bleeding Though(panties) and I talked to their guitarist for 10 minutes about guitar and shit...

sacralplexus 3/3/2009 6:34:08 PM


ImRightYoureWrong 3/3/2009 8:50:33 PM

For the love of Ray J

_bong_ 3/3/2009 9:19:34 PM

band full of gays

awkward_man_hug 3/3/2009 9:51:52 PM


xchasex 3/3/2009 10:21:34 PM

his personal emergency is that he is a dumby. oh, THE WRONG KID DIED.

sgd54 3/4/2009 12:54:14 AM

what!? u guys got a new drummer? ok u guys kicked lech out nd get sum guy named ryan i visit ur page nd i see "filling in for the summer: scott something"....drummer issues? yea mi thinks so...

sgd54 3/4/2009 12:57:41 AM

you guys should kick lech drummer out of your band and put this guy is the URL....

mickeyoneill 3/4/2009 2:46:41 AM

A fck Still Not Given About This Band

youreallthesame 3/4/2009 6:37:52 AM


iheartemmurexxx 3/4/2009 7:38:34 AM

man lech is so sick.

Goatxxx 3/4/2009 4:17:00 PM

What a bunch of goats! Suck it.

4EVAFUCTXXX 3/4/2009 4:42:43 PM

BYD did it.

raaaach 3/5/2009 1:03:17 AM

lolz @ Hector de Santiago

minusmyself 3/5/2009 1:08:14 AM

i smoked with a bunch of guys on the summer slaughter tour and lech was the big gay everyone hated and he wouldnt shut the fck up about how badass everything to do with him was... fck him

xmikeyfreshx 3/5/2009 9:15:19 AM

"xgambloatx 3/3/2009 1:03:44 PM This just in: Band member in band."

hatemeplz 3/7/2009 6:04:04 PM

Who cares if the drummer is black or not.

remybrunone 7/21/2009 12:16:46 PM

everyone that hates this band needs to eat a dck and go F##k your selve's

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