Post Commentthis is honestly the worst band in history. band flip, van flip, life flip....fck these gays.
Ontario metal/hardcore band Dead and Divine is currently preparing to record their next album, titled "The Tools We Are."
Hopefully this band takes their name more seriously and dies. This will lead to the next part of their name, where they search for invisible all powerful beings that will make them divine enough to flaunt metal horns in the after life.
please die gays, crash your cars, commit suicide, o.d on drugs, or give each other aids. Worst band ever.
seriously ban this band from breathing...holy fck.
Life Flip, Family Flip, Album Flip, Just fcking Die and cut your dicks off before I have to Kill you USELESS gayS
"Life Flip, Family Flip, Album Flip, Just fcking Die and cut your dicks off before I have to Kill you USELESS gayS" HAHAH
hate hate hate. i still think liferuiner is shittier then Dead and Divine
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