Post Commentyou guys missed out Belgium and Germany are amazing to play.
who the fck do you think you are? no one gives a shit about your band in the states, did you really expect to pull a crowd in a foreign country?
seagal 1/22/2009 10:42:26 PM who the fck do you think you are? no one gives a shit about your band in the states, did you really expect to pull a crowd in a foreign country? LOL!
sand filled pssy band can't handle playing shows without a 5star.
"The level of catering and groupies weren't up to our standards. Also, the police didn't make all of the locals drive on the right side of the road to accommodate our visit."
God doesn't live in Europe. Didn't you get the memo?
christian metalcore failing in europe? WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT!? keep it in the states please
"We accept your apology, do you have a paypal link so I can donate money?" -the two people in europe who cares about this band
this wasn't poorly promoted guys, you just suck.
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