Post Commenti see...a lot of shitty bands. poor acacia strain.
Man every tour Webby has been posting is bringing lols
Sounds like I might get assraped by goth kids and overgrown metalcore dudes who think acacia strain is real hardcore...won't be there
emmure_is_death_metal 11/26/2008 11:15:49 AM poor acacia strain castro_nyhc 11/26/2008 11:18:29 AM i see...a lot of shitty bands. poor acacia strain.
i'll be sure to wear my athletic shirts and gold foil.
what can i say. these great tours just keep coming.
Since when does Bleeding Through headline...anything?
would so go as i suspect this would mean old bleeding through songs? but why is acacia strain on this?
But the important question is... Will there be breakdowns?
once again, another TAS tour that doesn't hit MI...
no coheed and cambria...wont be there
Will attend NYC date despite the haters. I still haev respect.
LOL @ poor canal club... Agree's in full! fck this show. Katy Perry > this tour...on some real shit
Woah. You mean "The Re recycled Blood Has Been Shed Rip off BULLSHIT Strain." thats right.. good dudes. Will be there to see BT in hell.
I CALL A STOLEN VAN BY END OF TOUR.....this tour is LOL material
poor acacia strain? Poor anyone attending this shitty pile of shit
Does as blood runs black even have members to do this?
Glad to see that Impending Doom landed this tour!
Did The Acacia Strain just completely sell out right now? I actually liked these guys when I saw them a few years back. QUIT BOOKING WITH SHIT BANDS
As Blood Runs Black is a charity basketball tournament.
fck everything else, I'm going to see Vincent do the damn thing.
did you seriously just ask where emmure was? do you seriously think emmure and the acacia strain would tour together?
impending doom > every other band , even though i am a fan of the acacia strain. and i agree with the above post,what the fck are you thinking.
Impending doom needs to call it quits already "grindcore" fell outta popularity 2 years ago waking the cadaver gave up why can't you?
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