Pennsylvania hardcore band Cold World has issued an update:
"In case you haven't noticed, Cold World does not have any shows booked at the time. Dan, our singer, is about to have a child and we will not be booking any shows or making any moves until the baby is born and all is well and settled in his new family. This does not mean that we are breaking up at all. We will be hitting up the road as much as our schedules permit once all things check out with Dan's baby. In other news, we will be recording a song soon for a split with our friends in Strength For A Reason. The record will be in very limited quantities and feature unreleased songs from each band. Haroun and Nick are gonna have something real interesting comin out pretty soon. I'm sure you'll all know when that one happens.
"We had to cancel a weekend in one of our favorite cities, Boston, in September. Our live drummer situation has been all fucked up lately since Nick got a new job that doesn't let him play out all that often. We will 100% be back up to make up that show before too long. We'll also be out west in 2009, and hopefully to a few other countries we haven't been too in quite awhile."
Post Comment
10/16/2008 5:05:33 AM
Tell Nick to quit being a pssygay and quit his stupid job after you get your next tour set up. There are plenty of jobs out there but there is only one COLD WORLD, MOTHER fckERS! p.s. I don't care, either way.
10/16/2008 10:57:29 AM
i wonder if his baby will come out feet first, har har.
10/21/2008 3:18:34 PM
Cold world sucks.Hardcore with rap beats isnt fuddy
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