Post Commentawww.. no portland show to get beat up at by a bunch of 17 year olds? lame..
Dont like bury your deads new vocalist.The rest of the bands are boring.
how many fcking tours is bury your dead on
Anyone that shows up to any of the dates above is clearly a gay.
kniferevenge = pure gayry lemme hear your band pssy
uhh.. why does LG post "random" dates..am I the only one who even bothers to read or even notice no care ever news flip
I can't wait to see all the fitted hats and gym shorts...
WoW you guys are really fcked up. B.Y.D. rocks, sad you never get out. These guys put on a great show. By the way how many of you dumbys played OZZFEST, FAMILY VALUES or toured Europe. Get a life>
Good tour for the ghost inside, keep up the hard work.
Hey Wooly You must be in a differant state of something, fitted hats gym shorts, watch out your stupid is showing.
Hey Chosweaver, Are you still sponsered dy Hannah Montana, Or is it your Momma.
DESTROYyourself. Is that a fact,so you there.
Skum_bag By all means come to th show. ASK FOR ME!
Numbernine post, You are number 2 .(SHITHEAD)
Thev tower whatever What middle school are you in? Study hard you might make it!!
Kids-will be skeletons. Do you still swallow?
see, in like 2004, it wouldn't be a "fited gym shorts flat bills oh we can write this off" tour. i would LOVE this tour four years ago. hardcore has changed so much
The "We All Realize Our Time Is Up And We Need To Break The fck Up" Tour 2008. In full effect!
the ghost inside is the best band on this tour, the other bands dont have enough room for their makeup
YoYoDudefro You don't have enough room for a brain. Jealous stupid dickheads unite. here's a great idea, bring your bands out and go on tour so you can get pissed on by jerks like your selves.
first of all its dudefrolf dumbass, second off, post a comment that makes sense
I wouldn't expect Bury Your Dead to be playing small stuff like this anymore, considering they are touring with FiveFingerDeathPunch and whatnot. I still enjoy them a good amount...was never too huge on It Dies Today though.
Stoked for The Ghost Inside, well deserved. If anything, go for them.
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first post. shit tour