NewsJuly 23, 2008 7:48 PM ET5,739 views

Silent Drive and Equal Vision part ways

Massachusetts rock outfit Silent Drive, featuring members of Bane, has finished writing a new album. The group must first secure a record label to release the effort however, as they have apparently parted ways with Equal Vision Records. Here's the official word from drummer Dave Joyal: "I'd say the new record is just about completed. All we need now is to record it. That would have happened already except we're still waiting on the recording budget. It looks like this next record will NOT be coming out on Equal Vision. I am sad to say that because all of us and EVR go back a long way and we love those dudes. But they just can't offer us what we need right now. It's a 100% mutual split with absolutely no hard feelings whatsoever. That said, we've been talking to a few other well known labels and are currently waiting for things to solidify. That type of shit doesn't happen over night. Our good friend and producer Bill Stevenson is also helping to pitch the record to other labels. We'll get a budget soon enough and be back in the studio as quick as we can."


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SEAMAN 7/23/2008 4:50:42 PM

first post.

rick_tocchet 7/23/2008 4:52:21 PM

no care ever

m00k 7/23/2008 4:53:50 PM

Great now it'll be another 4 years til they actually release it. Meanwhile Bane will release 3 more albums.

evil_hero 7/23/2008 5:01:15 PM


thisheartscoma 7/23/2008 5:03:02 PM

Get in your jeep and let the wind blow the tears of your gay faces gays.

the_smile_that_kills 7/23/2008 5:04:32 PM

words you never want to read "pitch the record". how punk rock.

Mike 7/23/2008 5:11:20 PM

Awesome band, cant wait to hear this. Put this shit out LG Records.

caseyfuckingjones 7/23/2008 5:37:37 PM

i wish bane would just make a new album.

lordshredder 7/23/2008 6:04:37 PM

Silent Drive is rad, but "mutual"? They will never explode like Fallout Boy. Do goaters like ANYTHING besides Cursed?

seagal 7/23/2008 6:23:28 PM

diy 4 lyfe

yeahdude 7/23/2008 7:54:10 PM

boring band parts ways with lackluster label, world somehow keeps on spinning.

scotty 7/23/2008 9:33:44 PM

Bill Stevenson from the Descendents? Why would you rely on him?

optimus_prime 7/23/2008 9:46:04 PM

hey, it might end them up on fat/epitaph or whatever.

redandblackink 7/23/2008 11:44:40 PM

never heard this band, but i find the best way to "get a budget" is to "work."

pongo_pigmayis 7/24/2008 6:55:45 PM

m00k 7/23/2008 4:53:50 PM Great now it'll be another 4 years til they actually release it. Meanwhile Bane will release 3 more albums.

get__offyourcross 7/25/2008 2:11:53 AM

yeahdude 7/23/2008 7:54:10 PM boring band parts ways with lackluster label, world somehow keeps on spinning. yeah... cause a label with bands like give up the ghost, circa survive, and converge is so lackluster. hi, i'm earth. have we met?

yeahdude 7/25/2008 5:22:25 AM

gutg are broken up, converge is on epitaph, and circa survive ... i mean, holy shit are you serious? are you a 15 year old girl or a frat boy?

hbostonxcorec 7/25/2008 12:18:48 PM

so much for being DIY...who do they thing they are? wanting a bigger budget. faaaaaaaaaaaaaags

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