Post Commenthaha 50 views and only 1 comment. shows how important this tour is.
Shit_Hawk 7/22/2008 4:11:39 PM Umm...who?
What the fck does this bands name even mean? What would knights be doing in abyss? They wear fcking metal armor, they would drown and the armor would rust and fck this bands name.
nicest dudes ever, the rest of these bands can burn in hell.
Shit band, shit new album, shit news. NFCE!!!!!!!11
Anautopsy? Providing a space between the n and a, isn't that the name of a Faceless song? C'mon guys... get more creative.
the new singer is pathetic and the band wasn't even that good before. and how many times do I have to talk about a breath before surfacing and how that name makes absolutely no sense.
this is pretty much an arizona shitfest tour... all they need is job for a gayboy. im so proud living here.
gay scene deathcore tour xmoshfestx 2008, die, van flip
do these bands seriously have fun doing this?
have fun going from McAllen, TX to Tucson, AZ overnight douchenozzles
wow shitty myspace hype still in highschool deathcore band tour 08
I thought Knights of The Abyss fell off the earth last year?
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