Post Commentawesome news, great band, although jade tree is a better label in quality.
what? Lords on BMA! They've been on a signing spree lately
fck yeah! good for them. awesome awesome band
Lords are okay. Probably to be the best band on the BMA roster though, so good signing.
How did nobody put 2 and 2 together on this before? They have been advertising this in all their ads for months
Jade Tree is about to stop being active. Makes sense.
shitty band, douchebag fans - nice vest gayot
Other than the album name, this was not a bad move.
lordshredder 6/25/2008 5:11:43 PM Lords are okay. Probably to be the best band on the BMA roster though, so good signing. ...idiot
This band is pretty sweet... but holy shit what a terrible album title. That's the kind of name you put on a record when you're all 17 and are shitty at your instruments, but think you have something to be pissed off about.
How long before dude knocks out someone from BMA?
wow. you should get dr. brown to work for you so you could have some up to date news. this is months old.
Anyone who can't laugh at the album title is a fckin gay
here we go. jockfest'08. shit band, shit album title. jock away gaygols
three words- dance. club. massacre. lyke omg thare soo tyte n stuff! i hOpE lOrDs is ekwally as kewl! apt as fck that this label would sign more garbage.
virus_dot_exe 6/25/2008 4:35:39 PM lol @ the new album title
This label must just sign everything on coliseum's top friends list.
love this band. putting on a show in my town monday with suicide note. fck yes.
Good band, shit label, expensive shipping. No care!
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