Post CommentTo the gay above me, no, YOU SUCK. And so does this news. :(
to the gay above me now, fck YOU this hardcore dumb nog shit is retarded. go beat off to ufc you fcking ass eating queer.
don't know what to say about this, they were just a mediocre band
this sucks my dck but not in a good way
another one goes down...these last 2 years have been the death of this wave of hardcore...hopefully ON will be around for a while
This band was absolutely not mediocre and were way more ahead of the game than most hardcore bands running right now. This news sucks.
This band = dime a dozen. CROOSH VINYL!!
I guess that ship sank..ya know..there career..as a band..get?
you'll see them again at next years sounds and fury.
shitty news, never got to see these guys and i really really wanted to.
this sucks. such a good band. amazing live
now each of my friends will have 17 shirts and 67 vinyls with added "rarity".
Don't worry. There will be a reunion show as soon as they run out of money.
gay band, gay trash, people who listen to this band blow each others dcks while at shows
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pirst muckin fost. this band sucks