NewsApril 17, 2008 11:49 AM ET5,047 views

Nevea Tears looking for new singer

Los Angeles band Nevea Tears has officially detailed the line-up changes they've made during the past several months. Most importantly, the group is now actively seeking for a new vocalist. Here's a statement from the band: "A lot of you have been wondering what the status of Nevea Tears has been in the last half a year or so. Many of you have seen us live during this time and have an idea what has been going on, but we have not made any official announcements. Immediately following our release of 'Run with the Hunted,' our second full-length under Eulogy Recordings, John (vocalist), Dom (bassist), and Stephen (drummer) all decided for personal reasons to part ways with the band. This was a heavy blow and all three of them will be dearly missed. This left the band with original members, Greg (guitarist and vocalist) and Jeff (guitarist and electronics), who decided the band should NOT end here. Approaching our November US Tour supporting this record release, Nevea Tears acquired temporary members Alex Reyes (vocalist), Aaron Wymore (bassist), and Matt Marquez (drummer) in hopes of continuing the band's career. Everything went well with the tour and the following shows. Matt became our permanent drummer and Alex and Aaron continued to help us out. Recently, Alex has moved to permanent bassist, and Nevea Tears IS currently looking for a new vocalist. In the meantime, Alex is still fronting the band and Aaron is still playing bass. Nevea Tears has big plans for their future and have already begun writing new music for the future. That said; if you are interested in trying out for the position of vocalist for Nevea Tears or know someone that would be perfect for our band, please contact us for more information. Serious inquiries only, please. Contact or hit us up at if you are interested. "Once again, we like to thank all the fans, old and new who continue to support us. Like always, we will continue to write, play shows, and hopefully be touring really soon! Please feel free to comment and talk to us."


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mickeyoneill 4/17/2008 8:58:06 AM

this band has never good...and "many of you"? are you kidding? fck this band, i don't care that their shitty underoath sounding record is on eulogy

withteeth 4/17/2008 9:07:35 AM

nevea tears? sounds like a type of shampoo for gays.

_mapexdrummer_ 4/17/2008 9:43:49 AM

they haven't flipped their van yet? =(

ghastly_poo 4/17/2008 10:04:50 AM


dualism 4/17/2008 10:08:22 AM

first post

Dead_Rabbit 4/17/2008 10:10:25 AM

*farts* use that for vocals on your next record.

DannibalTheCannibal 4/17/2008 10:12:35 AM

withteeth 4/17/2008 9:07:35 AM nevea tears? sounds like a type of shampoo for gays. <~~~ hahahahaha

DannibalTheCannibal 4/17/2008 10:14:26 AM

their pseudo screaming vocals are like a really bad Spitfire rip off...

bobby2000 4/17/2008 10:41:40 AM

"A lot of you have been wondering what the status of Nevea Tears has been in the last half a year or so." No, we weren't.

xvegeedgex 4/17/2008 11:03:19 AM


Seppuku 4/17/2008 11:28:26 AM


planetsforlunch 4/17/2008 11:33:16 AM

withteeth 4/17/2008 9:07:35 AM nevea tears? sounds like a type of shampoo for gays. Agreed. haha

uniden 4/17/2008 11:43:40 AM

van flip, noke air, die in a fire, get $3000 stolen from you

holycitybradley 4/17/2008 12:31:54 PM

this is still a band?

meanmuggin 4/17/2008 1:09:43 PM

Saw them once, not impressed.

seagal 4/17/2008 2:53:36 PM

all these years and they haven't had one solid tour. momma must pay the rent.

forumdrama 4/17/2008 3:47:24 PM

"A lot of you have been wondering what the status of Nevea Tears has been in the last half a year or so." Huh? Who?

Fur_Beach 4/17/2008 5:55:01 PM


hall_of_wax 4/17/2008 7:44:11 PM

Band ignores obvious cue to break up, continues sandblasting world with shit music. More at 11.

little_alex_fts 4/17/2008 7:51:40 PM

withteeth 4/17/2008 9:07:35 AM nevea tears? sounds like a type of shampoo for gays. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA!

YouAreSceneAsFuck 4/17/2008 8:47:09 PM

but they use, like, keyboards and stuff!

thehays 4/17/2008 8:47:32 PM

this band is really really really bad, just take a hint

StormFront 4/17/2008 10:51:09 PM

This left the band with original members, Greg (guitarist and vocalist) and Jeff (guitarist and electronics), who decided the band should end here.

chas 4/17/2008 11:11:59 PM

Spitfire rules!

AWorldWithout 4/18/2008 2:24:21 AM

fck this band. they threatened to kick my ass after a show here, and even showed up at my work every day for two days after the show.

brettnbutler 4/18/2008 2:59:14 AM

worst fcking band ever

buttfucking 4/18/2008 12:27:01 PM

They better be looking for a new name, too. Or else fck this band.

griffin 4/18/2008 1:35:28 PM

ID rather shit pinecones than listen to this band

Ieatpugs 5/6/2008 6:57:18 AM

At Least you have heard of them, youre still talking about them like it or not hahaha gays

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