Post Commentnevea tears? sounds like a type of shampoo for gays.
*farts* use that for vocals on your next record.
withteeth 4/17/2008 9:07:35 AM nevea tears? sounds like a type of shampoo for gays. <~~~ hahahahaha
their pseudo screaming vocals are like a really bad Spitfire rip off...
"A lot of you have been wondering what the status of Nevea Tears has been in the last half a year or so." No, we weren't.
withteeth 4/17/2008 9:07:35 AM nevea tears? sounds like a type of shampoo for gays. Agreed. haha
van flip, noke air, die in a fire, get $3000 stolen from you
all these years and they haven't had one solid tour. momma must pay the rent.
"A lot of you have been wondering what the status of Nevea Tears has been in the last half a year or so." Huh? Who?
Band ignores obvious cue to break up, continues sandblasting world with shit music. More at 11.
withteeth 4/17/2008 9:07:35 AM nevea tears? sounds like a type of shampoo for gays. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA!
but they use, like, keyboards and stuff!
this band is really really really bad, just take a hint
This left the band with original members, Greg (guitarist and vocalist) and Jeff (guitarist and electronics), who decided the band should end here.
fck this band. they threatened to kick my ass after a show here, and even showed up at my work every day for two days after the show.
They better be looking for a new name, too. Or else fck this band.
ID rather shit pinecones than listen to this band
At Least you have heard of them, youre still talking about them like it or not hahaha gays
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this band has never good...and "many of you"? are you kidding? fck this band, i don't care that their shitty underoath sounding record is on eulogy