NewsFebruary 12, 2008 12:41 PM ET8,013 views

Unearth, Bury Your Dead, The Destro tour dates

Unearth will hit the road in late-March for a two-week tour in support of their new DVD release, "Alive from the Apocalypse." The group will be joined by Bury Your Dead, As Blood Runs Black, My Children My Bride, and The Destro. Here are the dates: 3/27 Burlington, VT @ Higher Ground 3/28 Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music Hall 3/29 Toledo, OH @ Headliners 3/30 Grand Rapids, MI @ The Intersection 3/31 Des Moines, IA @ People's Court 4/1 Sauget, IL @ Pop's 4/2 TBA 4/3 Nashville, TN @ Rocketown 4/4 TBA 4/5 Cordova, TN @ Skatepark of Memphis 4/6 Louisville, KY @ Headliner's Music Hall 4/8 Charleston, SC @ The Music Farm 4/9 Wilmington, NC @ The Soapbox Laundrolounge 4/10 TBA


Post Comment

SteveO 2/12/2008 9:43:18 AM

first... won't be @ this

nobleeding 2/12/2008 9:43:53 AM


ALABOMA 2/12/2008 9:43:55 AM

second. blah

Spike 2/12/2008 9:53:05 AM

No Canadian Date. No Care.

neighbordave 2/12/2008 9:54:44 AM

yupppppppp tours gay

ballsbutt 2/12/2008 9:56:17 AM

the title, "alive from the apocalypse" = far from clever

forumdrama 2/12/2008 10:04:04 AM

I would maybe give a slight fck about Unearth, that's it. The rest of this tour is massive garbage in absolute formation.

alangreenspan 2/12/2008 10:13:40 AM

It will be a 3 hour long breakdown.

shredtacular 2/12/2008 10:22:52 AM

fight me at the 4/9 date gaygoats

AMONYMOSS 2/12/2008 11:13:20 AM

HOLY GAYNESS!!!!!!!!!!

homesweetrva 2/12/2008 11:28:18 AM

gay tour, for gay scenster kids to show off there wicked new image...fck all these bands

buttfucking 2/12/2008 11:38:44 AM

Trevor should have put Sons of Azrael on this tour. Best band on Ironclad right now!! But that would have been a good move. And who does that anymore!?!?

cnnole 2/12/2008 11:59:08 AM

does unearth still have a draw?

hussle 2/12/2008 1:10:49 PM

i still like seeing unearth plus id like to hear abrb fck up their new stuff

professor_sex 2/12/2008 1:37:09 PM

wouldnt be at this even if it were in my backyard

vtacore 2/12/2008 2:05:10 PM

My Children My Bride.. hahah what a shitty name and band.

Br00t4l_Lemur 2/12/2008 2:55:25 PM

4/4 date is confirmed at the Valarium in Knoxville, TN....will be there for the Destro and Unearth.

Fatpipe_mcpickledick 2/12/2008 3:06:28 PM

Bury x Your x fcking x Band gays

onemoremotherfucker 2/12/2008 5:39:36 PM

please cancel your ohio show and stay the fck out of this state. thanks.

abrbsucks 2/12/2008 7:01:32 PM

i like to see TBA's. it means that they couldnt book the whole thing before they opened their big mouths

breebreebreebree 2/12/2008 7:20:38 PM

will be there 3/27

scum 2/12/2008 7:27:13 PM

"gay tour, for gay scenster kids to show off there wicked new image...fck all these bands" fcking true.

cantfakethepunk 2/12/2008 7:56:55 PM

sick bands, sick tour. im literally shitting my pants right now. please come to La

thatdude 2/12/2008 9:22:56 PM

mcmb, dont call yourself christians when you have an atheist in your band. you guys are fake and a discrace to christian bands. have fun in hell.

pilot 2/13/2008 10:52:12 AM

professor_sex 2/12/2008 1:37:09 PM wouldnt be at this even if it were in my backyard... AGREED

xandyshredx 2/13/2008 8:15:02 PM

another sweet tour with no canadian dates wwwwweeeeeeeeeeeee

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