Post Commentshitty news, but at least they don't have to go out on that gay tour.
good band, even better dudes. i'd rather them write new stuff then tour with shit bands.
cry a little more you fcking gays. try ripping off coalesce a little more too. maybe youll get somewhere.
wow this band has really hit the big time after that norma jean endorstufft
Too bad. Awesome dudes. I wish them the best.
why doesn't this douche just say he's poor and that he hates the other dudes in the band?...
Great guys, shitty news, happens to most bands nowadays tho.
props for having the balls to say all this. sad but true this is the story for most bands these days. won't be surprised to hear this more often. economy fcking sucks for now.
they don't ripoff coalesce, they sound exactly like meshuggah. but that's ok because i still like it
They figured out that With Blood Comes Cleansing and A Plea For Purging were a band of gays and had to come up with a last minute excuse not to tour with them.
what? no paypal link? go on tour with your new WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-mbulance...
excellent fellas...hope they get back on track...
dope band. at least they're off this gay tour.
These guys should change their name to "The Handjob Givers"
keithxedge 1/21/2008 3:23:24 PM These guys should change their name to "The Handjob Givers" lol.
YouAreSceneAsfck 1/21/2008 1:33:13 PM They figured out that With Blood Comes Cleansing and A Plea For Purging were a band of gays and had to come up with a last minute excuse not to tour with them. thats exactly what i was thinking hahah
Ok..look. If you play in a hardcore band your arent going to make any money. Sell out..join a boy band..or get a job.
Aw, this was cute. Alright band though, but come on, what band isn't in serious debt trying to get off the ground. I mean, metallica ate HAND SANDWICHES! didn't anyone watch VH1?
fck everyone who talks shit on these guys. they're all super nice.
lol @ obligatory coalesce mention to prove that you do in fact know coalesce even though i guarantee you downloaded it a year ago and listened to a few seconds but didn't like it so it sits in your music folder and that constitutes knowing coalesce
Sounds about right. Bands = debt. Put 10 years of your life in one and maybe there will be hope. That should be a new name for a band...lol. Good luck to you guys. take care!!
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uno post??? don't really care