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Andrew Tkaczyk

2/16/2021 LGND debut new track ft. The Ghost Inside drummer
11/26/2020 The Ghost Inside drummer debuts song ft. ex-Misery Signals singer
2/9/2018 The Ghost Inside drummer releases debut EP, stream online
2/1/2018 The Ghost Inside drummer to release new EP
4/29/2016 The Ghost Inside drummer: 'I know I'm lucky'
1/29/2016 The Ghost Inside drummer leaves hospital
1/14/2016 The Ghost Inside drummer lost leg in bus crash
11/20/2015 The Ghost Inside: three members in critical condition
11/19/2015 The Ghost Inside involved in fatal bus wreck
2/22/2013 For The Fallen Dreams rejoined by Chad Ruhlig

News Tidbits
8/29/2018 The Ghost Inside drummer Andrew Tkaczyk is once again crushing the drums.
5/28/2018 The Ghost Inside's drummer hopes to perform with this device instead of his prosthetic leg.
2/5/2018 The Ghost Inside drummer Andrew Tkaczyk has uploaded a preview of his forthcoming EP.
10/19/2016 Video: The Ghost Inside drummer Andrew Tkaczyk has made impressive progress on the drum kit.
8/29/2016 Video: The Ghost Inside drummer Andrew Tkaczyk learning to play with a prosthetic device.
4/19/2016 The Ghost Inside drummer Andrew Tkaczyk is nearly able to walk on his own.
4/1/2016 Here's some more video footage of The Ghost Inside drummer Andrew Tkaczyk getting used to drumming with one leg.
3/29/2016 Watch The Ghost Inside drummer Andrew Tkaczyk play drums for the first time since losing his leg in a bus crash.
3/9/2016 Video: the road to recovery continues for The Ghost Inside drummer Andrew Tkaczyk.
1/31/2016 Video: The Ghost Inside drummer's memories of bus crash and his journey to recovery.
10/13/2015 The Ghost Inside's drummer has started a YouTube comedy channel. Have a look.

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