publicly shaming anti vaxxers that died of covid
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/17/2022 10:30:42 AM
pretty f*cking shitty thing to do. they died, pretty sure that's enough.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/17/2022 10:32:10 AM
then again using any example of human suffering in order to perpetuate ones view point as truth is shitty.
every time i hear some nerd with a neckbeard say 9/11 was an inside job, i know like 10 people who lost family, so regardless i just wanna grab em by it and give em a quick grandpa tap.
theocean 1/17/2022 10:34:53 AM
is it unfair that celebrities who were 9/11 truthers dont get the same ridicule as alex jones for sandy hook?
serious question
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/17/2022 10:35:41 AM
theocean 18 seconds ago
is it unfair that celebrities who were 9/11 truthers dont get the same ridicule as alex jones for sandy hook?
serious question
they should be treated the same, Jones just has the balls to go full moron 110% of the time.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/17/2022 10:37:10 AM
i mean, the man tried to excuse being drunk in court by saying he had "a big ole bowl a chili for breakfast". those hollywood plastic f*cks will share their dumb shit once in a while and then be like "hErE i Am (mE iN tHe cEnTeRPiEcE oF DiS pHoTo) bEiNg HuMaNiTaRiAn dErRr" while hes just out there f*cking shitting nonsense into the open airwaves like one of gods chosen tard warriors.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/17/2022 10:37:53 AM
hes like Trump; for as f*cking worthless and terrible they are for society, they got f*cking gorilla balls.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/17/2022 10:39:47 AM
also sometimes it's not even truthers, i f*cking hate the Baldwins, and Alex Jones at least never shot and killed another human being.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/17/2022 10:41:55 AM
i dont think hes ever said anything correct, ever, on purpose
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/17/2022 10:46:10 AM
to me, that whole f*cking side of "THEYRE MAKIN SHIT UP TO SCARE YOU" is so f*cking stupid because all you have to do is be George Carlin in his 03 special and tell the f*cking truth.
they tell you that youre gonna get shot in public; not that these are still (though increasing and that should be concerning but not terrifying) isolated incidents spread out through a continent that's a country. no, dumb f*cks can only think "Der it fake then". No, it just isn't going to happen every day in every city across this vast and fat nation.
same with immune system, bacteria, over cleanliness all of that. instead of saying shits fake just use your f*cking brain. and eat zebra meat.