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Car horn honking.

_steelpanda_ 1/8/2022 9:30:44 PM
Y'all ever just lay into the horn the second the light turns green into the car in front of you?

Amber 1/8/2022 9:37:55 PM

jimbo 1/8/2022 11:37:29 PM
I would get out of the car and fiercely jerk you off

skinsuit 1/9/2022 7:57:25 AM

simon_belmont 1/9/2022 7:58:19 AM
Used to do this to people when I was a teenager riding around with friends. Now I'm scared someone will get out and jerk me off

_steelpanda_ 1/9/2022 8:18:57 AM
I fiercely jerk off whenever I hear car horns.

butlerianjihad 1/9/2022 8:38:15 AM
*honks on bobo*

skinsuit 1/9/2022 8:40:14 AM
simon_belmont 41 minutes ago Used to do this to people when I was a teenager riding around with friends. Now I'm scared someone will get out and jerk me off No one wants to touch your hipster noodle.

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/9/2022 8:42:16 AM

_steelpanda_ 1/9/2022 9:13:20 AM

SeriousX 1/9/2022 9:15:23 AM
All the f*cking time. You always have people who could make the light before it turns red but would rather slowly work their way to the light before it even turns yellow. They're the same people who sit at the light for 5-10 seconds after it turns green.

skinsuit 1/9/2022 9:16:54 AM
And you ask me why I don't drive.

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/9/2022 9:17:42 AM
When I was in Winston-Salem NC this summer they have all these planned light intersections. You know, two lanes straight, two right turns, one or two left turns. Southerners are seriously, kinda f*cking retarded and slow. People would say like "oh six years ago we had two deadly crashes because people ran red lights!" Yeah and a f*cking comet could come tomorrow and wipe out the human race, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna pensively stare at the f*cking sky hoping it doesn't kill me while wasting time. I made note of this to a buddy who is Southern. he said the typical "oh it was a disease that made people come up with that 'southerners are slow' thing" and he said it like I crossed a line; so I fired back... NO you're f*cking slow, this is like speed setting -10 in any real place.

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/9/2022 9:18:01 AM
And then he sat at a left turn, isolated, green light so I honked the f*cking bobo

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 1/9/2022 9:20:54 AM
i apologize to anyone south of the mason dixon line who doesn't view 10 seconds as "just a hot tick on the tock"