"Extremely online" people
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/20/2021 7:54:28 PM
he has to live his entire life in a fake, secondlife, type world, basically.... or else he's the dumbest mother f*cker alive and breathing that isn't a trind.
evil_hero 12/20/2021 8:16:31 PM
i have uploaded 13% of my personality to the net. when completed ill be like that faqg "jobe" from the lawnmower man
arkansanpolarbearheater 12/20/2021 8:26:47 PM
Posting on lambgoat is "extremely online" to me when you keep up on it. It's that fake, second life type of shit where you shed some of your personality whether you intend to or not. Unless you use it in moderation or for communication purposes. Then you're in the clear.
evil_hero 12/20/2021 8:30:43 PM
bro you have no idea. theres fake personalities called "gimmicks" that have been ongoing for decades. think about that for a moment. right now theres an mid 40s dude posting here also pretending to be a different mid 40s dude and also a pontoon boat
evil_hero 12/20/2021 8:32:20 PM
for instance me, evil hero, a traveling man whose stacked bodies like chamberlain. thats just a ruse. im actually a 9 year old tajikstanian girl named yerba
BULLHEAD 12/20/2021 8:34:18 PM
you don't know the REAL bullhead, only what i've chosen to share. it's only 99% accurate