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chrome/helios creed

BULLHEAD 12/20/2021 6:55:08 PM
you ever get into any of that stuff at all?

vagisilcreem 12/20/2021 6:56:09 PM

BULLHEAD 12/20/2021 6:57:56 PM
i've only ever had Blood On the Moon but i might start listening to more. what's a good one

arkansanpolarbearheater 12/20/2021 7:33:42 PM
Chromes great but I never really got into helios creeds solo stuff that much for some reason. I should give it another try because I didn't NOT like it. I started with the blood on the moon + eternity CD. You should go back to Alien Soundtracks and work your way up. That's what I did anyway.

BULLHEAD 12/20/2021 7:36:15 PM
i was asking vagisilcreem

evil_hero 12/20/2021 8:16:52 PM

vagisilcreem 12/20/2021 9:05:54 PM
as far as chrome goes "alien soundtracks" and "the visitation" are cool. creed's solo stuff is wild. his first release "x-rated fairy tales" is also cool.

vagisilcreem 12/20/2021 9:07:35 PM
all the early chrome stuff is cool. half machine, red exposure.