PU2 - Beautiful Spray
BULLHEAD 12/20/2021 3:22:04 PM
(that's a play on their song One and the euphemism of calling going poo a #2.......i thought that needed clarification)
arkansanpolarbearheater 12/20/2021 3:34:09 PM
I don't know why but saying "poo" has always bothered me. Why can't you go a step further and add a p at the end? I mean, I would never not talk to someone for saying "poo" instead of "poop" but it just gets my wig in a knot sometimes. Must be a geographical thing like how some Minnesotans say bag like "baig"
arkansanpolarbearheater 12/20/2021 3:55:33 PM
BULLHEAD 14 minutes ago
don't worry about it
Usually I'd say "don't tell me what to do" but I can't fake actually caring about "poo" vs "poop" that much
VodkaVeins 12/20/2021 4:48:40 PM
I have climbed highest toilets
Ive had runs to my heels
Only to pee with poo
Only to pee with poo