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My love song for Sophia Urista

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/16/2021 8:42:42 AM
dibs "Bebe" https://voca.ro/1GGisc0EkQd8 .. .. .. bebe, quero tu pipi sobre mi Solamente ... soy tu fanatico mi bebe deja que el oro vaya a tu papi ay mami let's ju n i get real sloppy give me a golden ticket, my willy needs wonkin' your sweet vinegar stream got my horny bonk-bonkin' starin at ur urine release, ur smile an, ur donk, an, if u were a dude bae we would b dockin' we would be dockin while listenin to Dokken yeah its not love, or maybe this shit is one thing i know i for sure,bet yo bae i wanna b soaked in ur piss so let's not sweat, nah gurl let's not stress things like the cops, yer pops or the moaf*ckin press just smile agree and then hike up ur dress and ur horse flow i wanna try n to digest i digress but only a lil, lil, bit would you mind taggin an baggin a lil splatterin of shit? im nasty but classy with it i promise i wont lick it or stick it just hold it for now ya save it for later that stank candy scent comes to me my savior and i shaved my head and listened to late-period slayer so flatten me with piss like a fukin paver im playa but there aint no ball unless ur peein on me and i watch the piss fall then i can die, i lived my dream, im a real honest guy hi :) mi amore i adore the way you crouch over me tiger squat tiger push pissy flavor in my mush i wonder whats the color of ur bush i hope you only respond "dumb ass SHUSH" and then im gone floating in a golden river piss processing in my liver i wonder if we will ever have kids or will our only genital generality be your genitals covering me in piss yeah i f*ckin lift, so gimme a kiss this track is somethin we can dismiss the arch can twist and turn or curl like your hair if you'd just hover over me and rain piss on my face from the air let it fly like we don't f*ckin care playin truth or double down, bae it's a dare you can even punch my balls cutie dont gotta play fair *these lyrics represent mah hart

simon_belmont 11/16/2021 8:44:48 AM
Oh dear god

BULLHEAD 11/16/2021 8:52:57 AM
don't think i know her

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/16/2021 8:53:50 AM
god damnit bull, you posted in the Brass Against thread. it's the singer from brass against, the band in the thread you posted in, about a chick singer of a band peeing on a guy. also this is the hottest track LG records has ever released yall

BULLHEAD 11/16/2021 8:54:52 AM
well i didn't know her damn name. and i instantly forgot about that whole story. GG did it better

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/16/2021 8:57:26 AM
just click the goddamn link, or don't, but i'm gonna indian leg wrestle ur ass now.

BULLHEAD 11/16/2021 8:59:23 AM
i'm doing something important right now

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/16/2021 9:00:28 AM
you'd better not be trying to climb out of the baby octagon.

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/16/2021 9:14:53 AM
Bump for evil_hero when he wakes up at 10 AM PST.

_d0thack_ 11/16/2021 10:03:33 AM

BULLHEAD 11/16/2021 10:04:03 AM
i'm not listening to any music today

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/16/2021 10:06:42 AM
*throws teething ring at bull, points finger sternly* Look, this is about my sudden and undying love for a lesbian who peed on someone and I WANT THAT GODDAMNIT YOU WONT TAKE MY THUNDER BECUZ I STOLE THIS THUNDER FROM THE FADDER OF OLE TRAVIS HENRY AFTER I STOLE THE TTHUNDER FROM CARVE N U R BEING A SOB RN but hey do u have a link to some norwegian new wave?

ShaolinLambKiller 11/16/2021 10:41:36 AM
cut heads

HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/16/2021 10:43:00 AM
and then piss in them? ok done and done.

evil_hero 11/16/2021 11:41:20 AM
floating in a golden river piss processing in my liver i wonder if we will ever have kids hhahahahahaahahah. lmfaaoo