HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/13/2021 9:59:21 AM
I am achieving my fullest self, which is aries rising, I do not tell, I convey a message from Marduk to the heathen masses. 'men.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/13/2021 10:13:49 AM
of course it's me, do you even realize how many usernames i've actually had over the long time i've posted here? most are because i don't care to remember my PW or email i made up to register a username; i can tell it's you though by the stink of a loaded diaper.
oh well chong up
BULLHEAD 11/13/2021 10:14:53 AM
i was just joking around. it can be hard to tell because i'm not funny
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/13/2021 10:16:22 AM
you just got that stone cold face thing, you should be a poker player. just put on sunglasses so you can look away from the jingle keys and you'll win a shit ton of money, you could probably even buy webmasters house in we-rn-er-s-vul
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 11/13/2021 10:21:20 AM
I just adopted you, legally, while you were replying and you're gonna do it and make your dad, which is me, proud.
_d0thack_ 11/13/2021 10:29:13 AM
I'm waiting on a guitar and some pedals I ordered. I've also gotta drive to go pick up some records I ordered and I'm getting with this chick a little later. Don't wanna be blown outta my mind.