Curl Up and Die - The One Above All
TheMoustacheMassacre 1 day ago
This band ended on a high note. I think this was my favorite of theirs.
B__DAWG 1 day ago
i think they were one of those "dumb annoying song name" bands so i probably never listened to them
The first ep, and the one after that on Rev were both solid.
Never checked out anything after, maybe I'll fux with this cd you're mentioning and see if I can get rid of this case of the Mondays!
nothinlefttogive 1 day ago
The production on the one above all is definitely top notch. I liked their filthier sound, but their more pro sounding shit is very good too.
nothinlefttogive 1 day ago
That one checked all the boxes, in my opinion. Comparing the two, the newer one was more polished-sounding, where robots had a certain edge of filth/shit sound (in a good way). Both are excellent. But I like robots a little more. I listened to both today. Thanks Belmont!
nothinlefttogive 1 day ago
When I replace my drums we gotta rock again. I got a very good friend up near you who is also a capable rocker.