I hope you f*cking marks
kidcadaver 1 day ago
flew from nyc to san diego - drove to phoenix, and then cleaned the house. it was f*ckin SICK
plaguestricken 18 hours ago
It was alright. Did nothing but play video games on Saturday. Walked Arabia Mtn w/ beer and weed in hand yesterday.
luxuryprisons 17 hours ago
Watched the Conjuring 2. Went for pho with pals. Gym. Jam. Decent weekend.
TheMoustacheMassacre 14 hours ago
Drive to San Jose and got hammered at some Irish pub party thing before the caps/sharks game. There was no traffic coming down and I got there way too early so had to just start drinking and wait for the stadium to open.
lurkcity 14 hours ago
plaguestricken 3 hours ago
It was alright. Did nothing but play video games on Saturday. Walked Arabia Mtn w/ beer and weed in hand yesterday.
What games?