dear d0t
lurkcity 12 hours ago
do you enjoy anon commenting every day endlessly about me? lol
f*cking loser. he is seething!
lurkcity 11 hours ago
also xander is down in the anon comments being a bitch too
"DuRrRdUrRR mY nAmE iS wAdE. I aM uH lAwYeR. I WeNt BaNkRuPt. I SpEnD mY tImE dEfEnDiNg tRuMp wHiLe pReTeNdInG nOt t0 sUpPoRt hIm. I eM sOaW sMaRt. dAh DeMoCrAtS aRe bUsH eRa rEpUbLiCaNs. mUsK iS gOoD. I aM sM@Rt."
Inkongudunk 11 hours ago
Apparently barbara said new England has weak ass mountains
So xander threatened to kill him a bunch of times
It was kinda funny