dead meadow - feathers
simon_belmont 12 hours ago
I saw this band a few times in the 2000s decade. There was also a good local band that was like a rip off of them that I liked too.
simon_belmont 11 hours ago
nothinlefttogive 20 minutes ago
I missed them when they played the wamleg. I am no good.
I always saw them in the back room at Bar when they were doing the free Sunday shows there. The local band I was referring to was Crooked Hook. I liked them. I have their CDs
simon_belmont 11 hours ago
I used to go down to that old abandoned factory thing in Bridgeport. What was that called, The Nest? I saw some good shit there. Crooked Hook, Lord Fowl, Sea of Bones. I saw that doom band Maine, Ocean, there one time. Good times.
nothinlefttogive 11 hours ago
I think I remember playing in Bridgeport when I was in Pristina...we played with sea of bones. It's was an odd place for sure, maybe it was the nest? Was there like a wall of CRT TVs & shit?
simon_belmont 10 hours ago
Wasn't that just sea of bones setup back then? Like 30 shitty amps with a bunch of tvs on top? Before he started building this big cabs. It probably was that place. There was all this artwork hanging up all over. Right next to the train tracks.