lurk can i ask you a serious Question
Bortslob 165 days ago
This is literally your daycare. You should be licking his nuts ya fuuuuuuuuuuuuuckin psycho
kort 165 days ago
lurk how do you feel about the ANTI-KORT comments in the slipknot thread. expose those anons lurk
kort 164 days ago
anonymous 3 hours ago
^ kort, how was your shift at Walmart today? Did the Girl Made fun of your weird, ugly ass face again? Did she clowned you? Did she scream? Did she cry? (little dethklok reference just for the lolz 🤡) Did she puke when she saw your face? How did it make you feel? Did you wish you where dead? What did you think? Can you hear their laughter in your dreams at night? Do you see the girls faces in your dreams, laughing, clowning at you? Does it haunt you that you will Always be a incel Virgin Posting on nerd Internet Message Boards? Does it haunt you that you will never have sex? Does it haunt you that you will never have a girlfriend because of your weird ugly ass face? How does it feel Like? Do you secretly fantasizing about being gay so you could feel Love at least once in your Life? Do you find yourself looking for gay porn on pornhub? Did you subscribe to gayhub? You start to like cocks, dont you? Did you accept you will be gay now?
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